The Natural Organic Bread Artisan Bakers Should Embrace for Health Conscious Consumers

Bread is the most popular meal for breakfast in Kenya across cultures with either tea, coffee or cocoa. Nonetheless, if you are serious about embracing healthy eating habits; losing weight; trimming that waist; lowering your sugar intake; you may want to replace your everyday processed white bread or other processed wheat products for something wholesome and organic. Forget about brown bread especially since some rogue bakers began adding the brown food color to white bread to deceive consumers. I'm talking about the traditional bread that is so sweet, so nutritious yet has no added sugar, fat, flavors, artificial colors or preservatives. It is 100% organic- the Ezekiel bread.
 “Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself. " Ezekiel 4:9 New International Version (NIV)

Unlike your everyday white or golden refined bread usually made from processed wheat flour, oils, added sugars, flavors, salt and stabilizers, Ezekiel bread is a healthier alternative that has none of that. It is a whole grain bread made from 6 different sprouted grains: wheat, millet, barley, spelt, soybeans and lentils. Sprouting is the natural process of germination which retains all nutrients as opposed to refined bread that has low nutrient levels as most of them are stripped off during the processing. Sprouting grains increases the nutrients density and decreases harmful anti-nutrients. This wonder bread contains magnesium, thiamine, niacin, iron, phosphorus, proteins and amino acids with a little sodium and traces of fat, making it a complete meal. Furthermore, it has no added natural or artificial sugar, flavor, colors or fat making it 100% organic, all natural than the processed bread.

Benefits of this natural organic bread

You can derive so many health benefits by making this wholesome, bread bursting with nutrients a part of your diet.
  1. Packed with proteins-the body building blocks, it contains 18 amino acids (9 are essential), making it a healthy way to build muscle and is great for children's growth the healthy way.
  2. Having no added sugars or sweeteners, it is ideal for people managing diabetes and hypoglycemia by maintaining low blood sugar levels.
  3. Ladies and anyone wanting to get rid of their unsightly belly fat, Ezekiel bread will go a long way to trim that waist by cutting back on  the sugar and fat consumed.
  4. Constipation and bloating will be a thing of the past. Not only does sprouting increase digestive enzymes making it easier to digest, it also contains plenty of roughage from barley, the bulking agent in it.
  5. It has a high density of minerals: magnesium, copper, phosphorus and iron known for strong bone and teeth formation, proper nerve functioning, steady heart rhythm and aiding in circulation.
  6. Keeps Obesity at bay; the number one lifestyle disease in young people caused by over eating of fats and carbohydrates. Ezekiel bread contains only traces of fat and is much lower in carbs than products baked by processed white flour. Furthermore Ezekiel bread is high in fiber and increases metabolism keeping you satisfied and energized for longer. You will not feel the need to snack all the time.
  7. It stimulates liver functions. Liver functions best with a low sugar, low fat, high fiber diet, something you can not get from refined foods. Ezekiel bread provides the optimum condition for the liver to fully neutralize toxins in our bodies. It also helps in reversing fatty liver disease (hepatic steatosis) normally caused by obesity, high fat levels in the blood and diabetes. 
  8. Ezekiel bread is high in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber binds bile acids that are excreted with fats and cholesterol as fecal matter. The more the fiber, the more the bile acids and the more fat and cholesterol leave the body. Barley a major ingredient has a soluble fiber know as beta-glucan. This soluble fiber has been found by many researchers to reduce not only the cholesterol level but bad cholesterol LDL. Regular intake of Ezekiel bread also lowers the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) as it is very low on sodium; about 75 milligrams only. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels coupled with aided blood circulation, low sugar and fat levels all promote a happy, healthy heart reducing the chances of heart failure, cardiovascular diseases and other cardiac problems.
  9. Ezekiel bread is an all organic, all natural food- what every nutritionist and dietitian is recommending. It has no artificial dyes, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives or shortenings. Such additives are known to increase the risk of getting cancer.
  10. Spelt and millet-the key ingredients are rich in antioxidants that will significantly boost your immunity while thiamine which is associated with alertness, a longer attention span and good memory promotes learning. Thiamine is also know to improve sleep and wake you up in a good mood. Just the perfect way to start your day!
Ezekiel bread has a sweet nutty flavor. It is really tasty on its own and will not need spreads like margarine or jam that are probably high in saturated fats or sugar. While the list of benefits derived from Ezekiel bread can not be ignored, it is worth mentioning that it is not gluten free hence not suitable for gluten intolerant people. Having wheat and barley as part of its composition means it contains gluten, just in smaller quantities. It is also more pricey than your everyday bread but you get value for your money by boosting good health.
