Why Kenyans Shouldn't Worry About The Sugar Saga; Natural Alternatives

contraband sugar nabbed in Kenya
Ever since the nabbing of contraband sugar that allegedly contains mercury, copper and lead, the country has had to deal with not only potential heavy metal poisoning but also an eminent shortage of sugar. Kenyans have been taken through a roller coaster of facts, outright lies and half truths stirring anxiety and confusion. Cabinet secretary Matiang'i says one thing, the government chemists reveal another while some MP's insist on the exact opposite. With such contradictory statements, people have resorted to throw caution to the wind and continue using the little available, possibly poisonous sugar circulating the market. The few cautious ones have opted to play safe and sip sugarless tea in misery as they await the puzzle to be unravelled. But for how long should you wait? Does it have to be such a tasteless affair while the govt is at it? Or should I say TOXIC? Aren't there readily available alternatives to add the natural sweet flavor to our beverages and home-made goodies besides sugar?

Locally Available Natural Substitutes

The normal refined sugar in itself is not as fatal as the contaminated sugar that has chances of causing heavy metal poisoning. Nevertheless, it is still in the black book of health experts. Table sugar has often been associated with a myriad of health problems due to its high content of empty calories and zero nutritional value. Medical experts would actually term its absence in retail stores as a blessing in disguise. "It's best to lead a sugar-free life anyway," they would probably say. But for the sake of those with a sweet tooth, I will highlight a few natural, healthier and affordable alternatives that can restore life's sweetness as we await the sugar coating of the supposedly 'doctored' lab report.

Sugarcane Syrup

sugarcane is the natural raw material for table sugar
The very raw material used in sugar processing can make a good substitute. Sugarcane is not only low in calories but also filled with minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus which are otherwise lost during processing of the cane in to sugar. It is also rich in antioxidants -the compounds that prohibit oxidation of cells thus preventing chronic illnesses.
Simply skin a fresh raw sugarcane, dice it into small cubes of about an inch, throw them in a powerful blender (such as Vitamax or Nutribullet) to avoid damaging the blades, grind and strain out the juice from the pulp. There, you have your sugarcane juice extract which you can store in your refrigerator to use for sweetening your lemonade, squash and just about anything. To make a syrup from it for your tea and coffee, just heat the juice extract in moderate heat until dark brown and thick.

Date Fruit Puree

Dates are sweet sugary fruits used as a natural sugar substitute

Dates are fibre filled wonder fruits with so many health benefits among them keeping your colon healthy, lowering blood pressure and promoting a healthy pregnancy and delivery. In addition, they contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Simply soak dates overnight in warm water until soft (1 cup dates to 1 cup water), strain and save the soaking water, blend the softened dates inside a juicer into a paste, keep adding the soaking water little by little until it forms in to a thick puree. Store in the refrigerator for use in baked dishes, icing, cereals and smoothies.

If you are not a DIY person and do not want to go through the preparation hassle of sugarcane and date syrup, you can buy ready made extracts. But if you want guaranteed freshness and at a cheaper price, having them home-made is easy peazy. Besides, it's the sure fire way to know that there are no added artificial preservatives.

Pure Organic Honey

Natural honey combs where we harvest raw natural honey made by honey bees
From ancient days, raw honey has been known for its goodness and particularly medicinal value. It is packed with antioxidants, improves cough and cold symptoms and is linked to promoting heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. You can add a few spoonfuls to your beverage or glaze your sugar free donuts and kaimati with it. Bonus tip; for a glowing, youthful appearance, incorporate into your skin care routine a teaspoon honey into a tablespoon of yogurt or oats for a natural face mask or scrub. That notwithstanding, it's important to note that there is a lot of adulterated honey going around as pure organic honey. Here is how to tell the real honey from the fake.

In conclusion, all these natural sugar alternatives should be consumed in moderation just as you would table sugar. At the end of the day since they contain glucose and fructose, they are just but sugar in composition, only with added nutritional and health benefits. Too much intake of any of them could lead to diabetes, being overweight, heart disease, fatty liver disease, quickening of the aging process, dental caries among other undesirable side effects of excessive sugar consumption. As the experts say, it is better to resist sugar altogether, irregardless the form.


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